The Akathist Hymn and Our Lady of Medjugorje
First Stanza
-“Rejoice, through whom joy shall shine forth”
March 25, 1989 “Dear children! I am calling you to a complete surrender to God. I am calling you to great joy and peace, which only God can give. I am with you, and I intercede for you every day before God.”
The Gospa was all dressed in gold. Around her veil, and on her dress, everything shined and sparkled. It was indescribable. She was very, very beautiful.
– “Rejoice you through whom the curse will vanish.”
July 25, 2015 “Dear children! With joy I am with you also today and I call all of you, little children, pray, pray, pray so as to comprehend the love which I have for you. My love is stronger than evil, little children, therefore draw closer to God so as to feel my joy in God. Without God, little children, you do not have a future, you do not have hope or salvation; therefore leave evil and choose good. I am with you and, with you, I intercede before God for all of your needs. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
-“Rejoice, restoration of fallen Adam, rejoice the redemption of the tears of Eve”;
July 02, 2013 “Dear children ….I desire to lead you to the freedom of the promise of my Son, because I desire for God’s will to be fulfilled completely here; and that through reconciliation with the Heavenly Father, through fasting and prayer, apostles of Gods love may be born – apostles who will freely, and with love, spread the love of God to all my children – apostles who will spread the love of the trust in the Heavenly Father and who will keep opening the gates of Heaven.”
-“Rejoice, O height beyond human logic; rejoice, O depth invisible even to the eyes of Angels.”
April 25, 1997 “Dear children! Today I call you to have your life connected with God the Creator, because only in this way will your life have meaning, and you will comprehend that God is love. God sends me to you out of love, that I may help you to comprehend that without Him there is no future or joy and, above all, there is no eternal salvation. Little children, I call you to leave sin and to accept prayer at all times, that you may in prayer come to know the meaning of your life.”
November 8, 1984 “Dear children! You are not conscious of the messages which God is sending you through me. He is giving you great graces and you do not comprehend them. Pray to the Holy Spirit for enlightenment. If you only knew how great are the graces God is granting you, you would be praying without ceasing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
-“Rejoice, for you are a throne for the King; rejoice, you bear Him, who bears the universe”.
December 25, 2003 Dear children! Also today I bless you all with my Son Jesus in my arms, and I carry Him, who is the King of Peace, to you, so that He grant you His peace.
– “Rejoice, O Star revealing the Sun; rejoice, O womb of the divine incarnation”.
Today I am praying in a special way for each one of you, and I am presenting you to God so He will manifest Himself in you.”
-“Rejoice, you through whom creation is renewed; rejoice, you through whom the Creator is borne a Babe.”
August 2, 2011 Dear children, today I call you to be born anew in prayer and through the Holy Spirit to become a new people with my Son, a people who knows that if they have lost God, they have lost themselves; a people who knows that, with God, despite all sufferings and trials, they are secure and saved. I call you to gather into Gods family and to be strengthened with the Fathers strength.
December 25, 1995 Dear Children! Today I also rejoice with you, and I bring you little Jesus so that He may bless you. I invite you, dear children, so that your life may be united with Him. Jesus is the King of Peace, and only He can give you the peace that you seek. I am with you, and I present you to Jesus in a special way, now in this new time in which one should decide for Him. This time is the time of grace. Thank you for having responded to my call.
“Rejoice, O seer of the ineffable Will. Rejoice, O surety of those praying in silence.”
April 25, 1990 “Dear children! Today I invite you to accept with seriousness and to live the messages which I am giving you. I am with you and I desire, dear children, that each one of you be ever closer to my heart. Therefore, little children, pray and seek the Will of God in your everyday life. I desire that each one of you discover the way of holiness and grow in it until eternity. I will pray for you and intercede for you before God that you understand the greatness of this gift which God is giving me that I can be with you.
July 25, 1989 Little children, you cannot open yourselves to God if you do not pray. Therefore, from today decide to consecrate a time in the day only for an encounter with God in silence.