Seeking Wisdom – Sirach. While I was still young, before I went on my travels, I sought wisdom openly in my prayer. 14 Before the temple I asked for her, and I will search for her until the end. 15 From the first blossom to the ripening grape my […]

The Five Main Messages
The message of Medjugorje is a call to Conversion, conversion back to God. Our Lady, the Theotokos, gives us five Stones or Weapons, which we can use to overcome the power and influence of evil and sin in our lives. This is the “Message of Medjugorje”. Her purpose […]

Prayer and Fasting
Prayer and Fasting for Peace In the message of May 25, 2001, Our Lady says: ” … pray and fast that God may give you peace … “ Praying and fasting for peace was the substance of the whole life of Fr. Slavko Barbaric, a greatly loved […]
The Gift of Faith
Reflection on the Message of August 25, 2002 SEEK FROM GOD THE GIFT OF FAITH“Dear children! Also today I am with you in prayer so that God gives you an even stronger faith. Little children, your faith is small and you are not even aware how much, despite […]

The Rosary – An Orthodox Prayer
Rosary of St. Seraphim of Sarov Some people ask if the Orthodox can pray the Rosary as Roman Catholics and some other Christian denominations do. Many people don’t realize that the Rosary is an Orthodox prayer and has been prayed by mystics in the Orthodox Church. In hope of shedding […]
Following the Path
Reflection on the Message of May 25, 2002 MAY YOUR LIFE WITH ME BE JOY“Dear children! Today I call you to put prayer in the first place in your life. Pray and may prayer, little children, be a joy for you. I am with you and intercede for […]
Unite With Jesus
Reflection on the Message of March 25, 2002UNITE WITH JESUS “Dear children! Today I call you to unite with Jesus in prayer. Open your heart to Him and give Him everything that is in it: joys, sorrows and illnesses. May this be a time of grace for you. […]
Look Deeply into Your Heart
Reflection on the Message of January 25, 2002Look Deeply Into Your Heart “Dear children! At this time, while you are still looking back to the past year I call you, little children, to look deeply into your heart and to decide to be closer to God and to […]
Let Us Prepare Our Hearts
Reflection on the Message of November 25, 2001LET US PREPARE OUR HEARTS “Dear children! In this time of grace, I call you anew to prayer. Little children, pray and prepare your hearts for the coming of the King of Peace, that with His blessing He may give peace […]
Ivan’s Talk
Excerpt from Ivan’s talk in Chicago January 2012